Living the Premium Lifestyle

Her Authentic Self

Self-development, and a quest to grow ‘Mermaid hair’ helped Kinsey Ray amp up her confidence – and her business

In January of 2016, Utah native Kinsey Ray was a struggling model trying to make a go of it in California.“It’s the typical L.A. story,” Ray says, “I was living on my credit cards to bridge the paychecks.” And she wasn’t happy, either.

“I refer to that time in my life as ‘Sad Panda Land,’”she says. “I had just lost my zest for life.”

A friend encouraged her to THRIVE, and Ray bought a month’s supply to try, but she was “more than skeptical.”

So skeptical that, even on her third day of using THRIVE, when she began to wake up before her 7 a.m. alarm, she didn’t give the product any credit. “I had not seen that time of day in who knows how long, but I still refused to say it was from THRIVE,” she says.

Then, on Day 20, something big happened. Ray was stuck in her car in rush hour traffic in Los Angeles, and she found herself turning up the music to listen to a song on the radio. “All of a sudden, I was having a dance party in my car,” she remembers. “For the first time in a long while, I felt happy and alive again. That’s when I knew that THRIVE was really working!”
Ray became a Promoter and hit her VIP bonuses, which brought “huge financial relief.

“As a model, I had to wait to get paid for six weeks after a job. The prospect that I could earn weekly paychecks was very exciting.” She hit the 4K VIP rank in her first 30 days, and surprised herself by earning her Auto Bonus within 60 days. “At the time, I was driving a rickety 2000 Buick that was a hand-me-down from my grandparents, so getting the car was big.”

But then Ray’s success with THRIVE plateaued for a few years. She had moved back to Utah and eventually realized she had gotten “too comfortable” with the business. “I think I felt like I’d put in the time, so I deserved to be on top.”

But after she got married at the end of 2018, she had an important realization: “I knew it was time to start treating THRIVE like a real business and become the type of leader I knew I could be,” she says.

Ray immediately began a journey of self-development, watching YouTube videos, and diving into self-help books. One book that struck a chord with her was The Compound Effect, which prescribes getting 1 percent better every day in order to gain momentum.

Then, she decided to share THRIVE in a way that was most authentic to her story. During her journey, Ray had discovered huge success in two products – THRIVE FORM Collagen Protein Gel and THRIVE Skin Infinite Skin and Hair Peptide Gel. She says both products have given her the long, flowing “Mermaid hair” of her dreams, and she doubled down on helping other women overcome their hair struggles. She’s dubbed her team “The Mermaid Gang” and had an “explosive” 2020 – reaching her 40K and 80K ranks, and earning an Elite Auto Bonus toward a new Mercedes. (She’s nicknamed the car her “Mermaid-es.”) She’s also found time to build awareness among young women in her community about self-harm, something she’d struggled with as a young woman. “I want to help other women overcome their struggles, too” she says.

Now, Ray is knocking on 200K and couldn’t feel more confident. “When I realize my experience didn’t look like anyone else’s, I just doubled down on what was true for me,” she said. “That’s made all the difference.”

© Rufhaus Designs; Amy Mikler

The success shown in these profiles is not typical of the success, if any, a Le-Vel Brand Promoter can or will have.
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