Feeling Great

Sleep Better Tonight

Try these bedtime rituals with your spouse, your kids and your pet

Before you drift into dreamland, try these easy and fun bedtime rituals involving the whole family (pets, too!), so everyone gets a better night’s sleep.

For kids

Get ready to let loose. It’s time to jump on the bed (or the floor). Everyone should feel free to yell out what made them happy that day. “Creativity and fun are critical to maintain happiness and cohesion between family members,” says North Carolina–based life coach Jessica Bubbico. “This activity gets those happy hormones pumping, builds confidence and connects the family.”

For couples

It’s key to connect daily for a strong bond. If you can, go to bed at the same time. Talk for 30 minutes, and light a candle during this special time. Discuss your day and your goals. If you have differing work schedules and can’t hop in bed at the same time, steal 10 minutes for a tête-à-tête on FaceTime.


For pets

Do some “doga” – dog yoga (check out YouTube to see how it’s done) for pre-bedtime bonding. Try stretching alongside a bigger dog, or lifting a smaller dog during poses like Warrior 1. Rest together during quieter poses, and stroke your dog. The goal isn’t to be perfect, but to create a connection with your pet and slow down together.

Better than a Lullaby

Still can’t sleep?

Pzizz is a sleep system app (free on Android and iPhone) that helps you get a good night’s sleep through psychoacoustics, a carefully developed mix of sound sequences and dreamscapes for each portion of the sleep cycle. Be lulled to sleep by nature sounds, soft music and calming voices, all orchestrated to send you to sleep for the optimum amount of time.